Paris, France

Parallelization project

The following animations were created as part of a project of parallel computing during my second year of the master Dynamiques des systèmes gravitationnels at the observatory of Paris. The motion of N bodies interacting according to the Newtonian laws is numerically integrated using the C language and the MPI & openMP libraries. Since the aim of the project was an introduction to parallel computing, and not to efficient N-body integrators, a simple leap-frog integrator was developed.

n body image made by hand
Scientific work Jeremy Couturier
Paris, France

N = 40000

This animation was the heaviest run of the project. It ran for 24 hours on the computing center MesoPSL using 96 threads. It features 40000 bodies of equal masses.

Paris, France

N = 20000

This animation has 20000 bodies of equal masses.

Scientific work Jeremy Couturier
Scientific work Jeremy Couturier
Paris, France

N = 5000

Giving a big share of the total mass to one body can help make the system more galaxy-like. Here the central body contains 20% of the total mass of the system. All the other bodies have the same mass.

Paris, France

N = 5000

Here the central body contains 80% of the total mass of the system. All the other bodies have the same mass.

Scientific work Jeremy Couturier

Some contents

Je ne compris pas pourquoi il était si important que les moutons mangeassent les arbustes.